Download Internet Commander Pro Full Version (FREE)
Download Internet Commander Pro Full Version - Internet Commander Pro is a fully configurable app which will handle internet connection by turning it on when needed and when not.
This application has a lot of options to personalize it to your needs:
- 3 standard profile.
- Internet On / Off WIDGET.
- Automatic control of the internet and even in Stand-By mode.
- Different triggers to activate the internet. - A graphical user interface.
- The use of a very simple and intuitive.
- Vibrate when connection status changes.
- Sync your account, such as messages and mails so you are always up to date.
-No manual internet management.
- Extend battery life (up to 5 days on SGSII).
- No need to charge every night.
- MinimPenggunaan memory.
- Getting e-Mails, WhatsApp and Facebook messages in Stand-By mode.
Pro version options:
- Night Mode.
- Tethering.
- Fully configurable options and timings.
- Wifi control.
- Bluetooth.
- Notifications.
Additional options:
- Wifi Management
- Bluetooth Management
- Custom Status Bar Notifications
- Fully configurable time intervals for options triggered
- Night Mode
NOTE: Install the Commander Free Internet first, so you get Internet Commander Pro Full Version.
Internet Commander Free Download
Internet Commander Pro Download Full Version :